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The system of vocational education and training in Poland is currently being modernized by introducing numerous changes, such as defining qualifications required for specific occupations and defining sets of skills for each qualification together with learning outcomes. This modifications will allow easier ECVET implementation in the future, however the details of applying ECVET in Poland need further development and examination which could be supported by NA.
The overall aim of the ECVET national team in 2014-2020 is to continue the work and follow-up the achievements undertaken by the previous National ECVET Experts team under the project (2012-2013) and also to provide that the relevant actors involved in vocational education and training on a national and regional level are efficiently supported to best use ECVET. The main objectives of ECVET national team will be to:
- popularize the information on ECVET and improve knowledge on ECVET system and other European tools developed in the framework of the Copenhagen process among VET providers, VET and HEIs experts, researchers and advisors, employers, student/learners, promote the development and use of ECVET as part of a lifelong learning approach which is an element of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
- provide a general framework of cooperation and networking between the partners and future ECVET users;
- provide support for policy makers and national authorities on further development of ECVET system in Poland
- support beneficiaries of mobility projects in implementation and practical use of elements of ECVET during learning mobility in order to increase the quality of placements.
- raise awareness about ECVET and its added value among employers